We are committed to ensuring that our ethnic minority staff and students feel valued as part of our community and do not face barriers or discrimination of any form. We encourage all our staff to read and ensure they follow Imperial’s policy on racism.

As part of our membership of the Race Equality Charter, in 2019 and 2020, the College carried out a number of focus groups, to provide an insight into the experiences of ethnic minority staff and students as they work and study with us. The report from these focus groups is available online. In December 2020, Imperial As One commissioned two staff focus groups, the first focusing on Black staff members with the second open to members of Imperial As One. This report is now available to download from the IAO website. The College has also developed and collated resources and information to advise white staff and students on How To Be a White Ally.

We liaise with Imperial As One, an advisory group made up of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff. Imperial As One hold regular events throughout the year and during Black History Month, this includes the Belonging series of interviews exploring the BAME experience at Imperial. One of these stories includes a Life Sciences member of staff, Dr Roya Haghighat-Khah