The MSc in Environmental Technology maintains strong links with alumni students in the business sector and has been privileged to be awarded a series of prizes from some of the top companies in the environmental arena. 

Arcadis Water Management Prize

A prize awarded to a Water Management student, worth £250, for the best overall assessment of Risk, associated with the contamination of Hounslow Health. 

Colt Foundation prize

A prize of £200 for the best dissertation in the field of occupational/environmental health.

Gordon Conway Rockefeller Prize

A prize with the value of £600, awarded to the top student on Ecological Management option.

Veolia Environmental Services Best Contributor to Sustainable Development Prize

A prize awarded for the top mark in the Environmental Pollution & Control module exam of  the Core Course to the value of £300. 

Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Prize for an outstanding thesis

The environmental consultancy, Environmental Resources Management (ERM), has generously offered a prize of £1000 per annum for an outstanding MSc thesis.

Ross Makuch Prize

Zen Makuch is a Barrister who directs the Environmental Law programme on the Core course in term one of the MSc in Environmental Technology.  In honour of his father, who was a modest supporter of legal education, Zen has very kindly donated a prize of £100 per annum to the MSc candidate who achieves the highest grade on the Environmental Law examination in the Core course. 

RPS  Kathleen Lacey Memorial Prize

An annual award of £250 given to the best overall student in the Pollution Management option.

B.P. Prize

An annual award of £600 for the highest score for the 'Integrating' Question in the Core course. 

The BP Prize for Strategic Thinking

An annual award of £100 for a student from the Business and Environment option who demonstrates academic prowess: strategic thinking, and the ability to integrate and balance business and environment issues; initiative, leadership skills and empathy. 


A first prize award of £750, given annually for an outstanding overall performance on the MSc course as a whole, and a second prize of £250 for the runner up. 


An award of £200 for the top student on the Environmental Analysis and Assessment option. 

The Sue Pritchard Memorial Prize

An award of £100 for the Business and Environment dissertation focusing on investment in developing countries. 

Dennis Anderson Memorial Prize

An award of  £250, the prize is awarded to the highest mark on the Energy Policy option


An award of £100 to the highest mark achieved for a water/waste management related thesis 


An award of £100 for excellence in Business and the Environment


An award of £250 for the best pollution management related thesis