Imperial College works closely with employers and industry to provide graduates with technical knowledge, expertise and transferable skills, and to encourage students to take internships and placements. The MSc in Environmental Technology has developed very strong links with employers and research organisations across the private and public sectors, and maintains strong links with alumni.

We actively engage with industry experts and leaders in their field, using this additional expertise to complement academic teaching. Such professionals often provide advanced experience, complementary knowledge to the one we offer and can improve the potential for delivering outputs. Based on the feedback we receive from students, theses interactions also further enhance the student experience. We have been very successful in attracting and engaging with high profile experts (our teaching strategies actively incorporate the breath of research and professional experience of such individuals). They provide a unique ability to contribute to student learning outside scheduled course teaching and they also have a very positive input to course design and delivery. Some are involved with planning, and help with feedback, assessments and assistance with the students’ professional development.

Industry participation in teaching can deliver real benefits as it connects theory of academia with the industry or policy-making practice. Industry engagement is well-integrated into the course through seminars, fellowships, visiting chairs, funding of research projects and providing bursaries. The course has been privileged to be awarded a series of prizes from some of the top companies in the environment and sustainability sectors. 

Students benefit from these relationships through:

  • engagement with business-relevant research challenges
  • access to company knowledge and resources
  • new ideas and contribution to teaching
  • improving market awareness and reputation
  • creating new opportunities for the institution, its staff and students.

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