This theme is concerned with the influence that human activity has on the planet’s environment and the consequences of the resulting environmental changes on human societies and human well-being. Environmental sustainability thus requires an understanding of people, what they need and want, and how these needs and wants interact with the environment. We delve into the interactions between the biophysical processes governing the environment and the socio-economics driving global environmental change. We explore the political, economic, health, biophysical and socio-cultural aspects as they relate to the broad inter-connected topics of land, global change, water, biodiversity and food.

That we must consider both people and nature concurrently in order to achieve environmental sustainability and sustainable development is universally acknowledged within international agreements and policies. CEP, with its inter-disciplinary and global focus, is at the forefront of academic research and policy development in this field. Our researchers are concerned with a broad range of topics including; bioenergy, air quality, food security, conservation biology, biodiversity and ecosystem services, citizen science, human health, well-being and equity, biosecurity, environmental economics, environmental governance, sustainable cites, environmental justice and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Projects, centres, networks and affiliations

Researchers involved

Researchers involved

Gino Baudry

Gino Baudry

Gino Baudry
Bioenergy | Agriculture & land use | Sustainable development goals | Energy Economics

Manuela de Moraes Czinar

Manuela de Moraes Czinar

Manuela de Moraes Czinar
Energy and climate | Energy policy | Bioenergy | Sustainable development goals

Audrey de Nazelle


Audrey de Nazelle

Lorenzo di Lucia

Lorenzo di Lucia

Lorenzo di Lucia
Bioenergy | Agriculture & land use | Biodiversity & ecosystem services

Yara Evans

Yara Evans

Yara Evans
Bioenergy | Bioeconomy | Energy and development | Political Ecology of Environmental Conflict

Theodoros Giakoumis

Theodoros Giakoumis

Theodoros Giakoumis
Water resources | Sustainable land management | Agriculture and land use

Claire Frazer Hunt

Claire Frazer Hunt

Claire Frazer Hunt
Water resources | Waste management | Urban systems | Environmental quality

Marissa McBride

Marissa McBride

Marissa McBride
Conservation biology | Environmental risk assessment

Sam McNeil

Sam McNeil

Sam McNeil
Environmental quality

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim
Water resources | Agriculture & land use | Environmental regulation

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