Partner Institutions

Participating scholars: Dr. Claudia Alvarez

Universida Eafit Website

Eafit Campus

EAFIT University’s mission is to contribute to the social, economic, scientific and cultural progress of the country, through the development of undergraduate and postgraduate programs - in an environment of ideological pluralism and academic excellence - for the training of internationally competent people; and with the realization of scientific and applied research processes, in permanent interaction with the business, governmental and academic sectors.

​​​​​​​Participating scholars: Dr. Felipe Henao; Juan Pablo Viteri

Icesi website

ICESI camous

Founded in 1979, Icesi University is ranked as one of the top universities in Colombia due to the fact that in recent years it has achieved important national and international accreditations and awards, with which its students and graduates are increasingly valued. It has stood out for its educational model based on active learning, the formation of well-rounded professionals and the participation in important academic networks around the world.

The Faculty of Management and Economics of Icesi University stands out for its contribution to the training of leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, with critical and strategic thinking, global perspective and possessing the knowledge necessary to excel in the labour market, not only due to their skills but also their excellent professional performance in Administration, Economics, Accounting and Finance, International Business and International Marketing and Advertising. In this Faculty the research group called Competitiveness and Marketing of Organizations, works to address issues such as organizational management in the public and private sector, and analysis of decisions and strategy, among others, for rural and coastal areas in Colombia.


Participating scholars: Dr. Judith A. Cherni, Project Principal Investigator; Dr. Rocio Diaz-Chavez; Dr. Zhuge Chengxiang; Rebecca Walker

Imperial College London website


Imperial College London







Imperial College London is a science-based university with an international reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Consistently rated amongst the world's best universities, Imperial is committed to developing the next generation of researchers, scientists and academics through collaboration across disciplines. Established initially in 1977 as the interdepartmental Centre for Environmental Technology, the Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP) at Imperial has since evolved to cover a wide range of science, technology and policy research, teaching areas involving engagement within the broad disciplines of physical and natural environment, energy, agriculture and international development. Under its most recent structure, it focuses primarily on social sciences relevant to the environment and the interface between science and policy in key environmental subjects including energy, pollution, conservation of natural resources, food security and poverty reduction. This work is often carried out in collaboration with core discipline based departments at the College.

Participating scholars: Prof’ Isaac Dyner, Colombian Universities Principal Investigator; and Andres Aistizabal

University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano Website

University of Jorge Tadeo Lozano campus


The University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano was founded in 1954 as a response to both the historical context and the natural resource needs of the country. The name of Jorge Tadeo Lozano comes from the Botanical Expedition of the New Kingdom of Granada, the paradigm that encouraged the founders. The ravages of violence, the dictatorship of Rojas Pinilla and the crisis of the University induced Joaquín Molano Campuzano, Javier Pulgar Vidal and Jaime Forero Valdés to create an institution that formed "new generations deprived of sectarianism, fanaticism and hatred, with a conscience full of the immeasurable value of human and natural resources "(J. Molano). On February 5, 1954, they founded the university with the aim of "continuing the cultural and scientific work begun by the Botanical Expedition".

The University of Bogotá Foundation Jorge Tadeo Lozano is an institution of a pluralistic nature, which seeks the formation of ethical, competent, critical and creative professionals, who assume their commitment to society with a clear conscience and respect for human beings and their rights, and for the environment, and contribute to the common good and social, cultural, business, scientific and aesthetic development in the international context, based on the ideals of the Botanical Expedition.


Participating scholars: Dr Gabrial Anandarajah, Principal; Dr Julia Tomei; and Pablo Carvajal PhD candidate

UCL website

University College London Campus








University College London (UCL) has been consistently ranked amongst the top universities in the world and top in the UK for research strength. The UCL Energy Institute (UCL EI) was established in 2008 in response to the global challenges of mitigating climate change and providing energy security in the 21st century. It coordinates multidisciplinary teams from across the university, providing critical mass and capacity for ambitious projects. The Energy Systems team at UCL EI has developed a range of tools, models and methods that are required to assess the medium and long-term energy resource development challenges in all parts of the world. Dr Gabrial Anandarajah, is a Senior Lecturer with about 15 years of research experience in energy, economics, environment and climate change modelling and policy analysis for both developed and developing countries. He has been the PI/Co-I on a number of substantial projects. These projects have been funded by DFID, the EPSRC, DECC (now BEIS), the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), British Council under Newton Fund, Horizon 2020, and WWF-Scotland. Dr Julia Tomei is a Senior Research Associate at UCL ISR. Her research focuses on the livelihood, social and environmental dimensions of energy in developing countries. She has been involved in community-level studies investigating energy needs and livelihood choices.

Participating scholars: Dr. Carlos Jaime Franco, Principal; Stefany Garces, PhD candidate

Universidad Nacional De Colombia Website

UNAL campus

As the nation’s university and founded in 1867, the National University of Colombia fosters equal access to the Colombian educational system, provides the largest range of academic programs and produces competent and socially responsible professionals. It contributes to the development and redefinition of the nation project, and studies and enriches the cultural, natural and environmental heritage of the country. As such, it advises the nation on science, technology, culture and the arts with academic and investigative autonomy.

Participating scholars: Prof William Murillo Lopez, Principal; Dr. Samir Córdoba Machado; Dr. Reiner Palomino Lemus; Dr. Ricardo Sanabria; Rebecca Gindele; Hector David Agudelo Arias; Nancy Gonzales Ramirez; Yemilson Espidio Borja Cuesta; Lubin Delgado Arroyo; Yenny Marcela Toro Ortiz; and Mayacol Francisco Mena

Universidad Tecnica Del Choco Website

UTCH campus

Today, the UTCH´s historical, political, and philosophical roots are evident in its institutional mission and vision as both are focused on research, development, cultural diversity, sustainable management, and conservation of ecosystems in order to improve the conditions of communities in Chocó and in Colombia.
The UTCH is a public university located at the heart of the Afro-Colombian community with students from Indigenous communities. The university works to develop the constitutional and legal provisions for local communities and through its mission it has assumed the historic role of leading and guiding the processes of ethno-education in the region and the country, both individually as an institution and in strategic alliance with other national and international institutions and organizations.

Project archive

The Chocó energy project ran from April 2016 to March 2018. Across these archive webpages you can find out more about what the project entailed.

The Centre for Environmental Policy

The Chocó energy project was led and directed by Dr Judith Cherni, Research Fellow at Imperial's Centre for Environmental Policy (CEP). Find out more about current and past CEP projects.

Contact Dr Cherni by email or phone +44 (0)7779 664 183