Jiaqi Liu

Jiaqi Liu

My name is Jiaqi Liu, and I come from China. I graduated from the University of Nottingham Ningbo China in Chemical Engineering. During my undergraduate study, I participated in some research projects in material, environment and chemistry with the strong interest in doing research in this area. The goal of the Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering is to develop new, effective and sustainable solutions to a variety of global challenges, and this exactly fits my original aspiration of choosing engineering and engaging myself in scientific research. In the IMSE MRes programme, the collaboration of science and engineering is well demonstrated by combining an industrial placement with the research project, and it is quite attractive as it provides us a multi-disciplinary learning environment. When I finish my MRes study, I am going to take a PhD programme and pursue a research career. 

I love Chinese literature, and I consider it as a part of my life. For me, the most enjoyable time for a day is walking along the riverside at dusk, so it is great to meet the Thames in London.