Jianbo Li

Jianbo Li

My name is Jianbo Li and I come from China. I have a bachelors degree from electrical engineering at XJTLU. My previous research projects include investigating the “Design of Air-Gap Transmission Lines for CMOS MMICs”. This involved researching the different models of Coplanar Waveguide transmission line (CPW). The principal approach was changing the different material of substrate and sidewall for different CPW and observe their performance (characteristic impedance and S parameter) to obtain the rule. Beyond that, at the end of each semester, I had to use Single Chip Microcomputer to design a device, and managed to fabricate multi-functional blind auxiliary gloves and a multi-function intelligent door lock. I also attended the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship in 2019 to investigate Third-generation semiconductor GaN instrument. 

The reason about why I chose the MRes can be divided into two parts: Firstly, during my undergraduate I realized that experiments are very significant for us to convert our knowledge into a real design. Molecular Engineering can provide us with great opportunities to participate in both project work and experiments. Moreover, in our projects, we work with industry, which is very attractive for me. Secondly, I think this course plays an important role in our modern society and it has great development prospects. If I can master the molecular knowledge, I will have a favorable tool to further my career. After I graduate, I want to persue a PhD.

I like sports, especially basketball, badminton and table tennis. In addition, I am really fond of music, I like David Dowie, oasis, Sex Pistols and Queen. When I was a sophomore, I also went to Guizhou Province to work as a voluntary teacher for one month.