Fei Gao

Fei Gao

Hi! My name is Fei Gao, and I come from China. I received my bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Nottingham. During my undergraduate study, I participated in two research programs. One was related to mechanisms of electrochemical capacitors at the University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China. Another was about microwave-assisted pyrolysis of biomass at the Nottingham New Materials Institute. The Mres in Molecular Engineering is attractive to me as it will give me a better understanding of both science and engineering, and gain practical experience in the industry. After completing this course, I would like to do a doctorate and continue my research work.

In my spare time, I am interested in traveling, listening to music, and gaming. Also, I am a dog lover. I have two dogs in my family, and I like to go for a walk with my dogs and enjoy a peaceful time with them.