Arjun Singh

Arjun SinghHello, my name is Arjun and I am from the UK. Before Imperial I studied two degrees in Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Formulation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Swansea and UCL. I chose to do the MRes in IMSE, as I felt that it would complement and consolidate all my learning so far. With the added benefit of learning how solutions to the big problems facing industry could be solved with molecular science. Additionally, the practical industrial placement on offer would give me another perspective to my portfolio of learning so far. I hope to go on to do a doctorate after the course in conjunction with industry at Imperial, and in the distant future start my own enterprise that builds upon research I have conducted. 

I enjoy mentoring younger students outside of my studies, as I feel my challenges in education can provide inspiration to the next generation of multi-lingual scientists and engineers. I also participate in sports such as running and learning about the cosmos as a side hobby.