Keir Quiligotti

Keir Quiligotti

Keir’s interest in the molecular world was first sparked during chemistry classes growing up in Manchester. He was fascinated that there were so many invisible reactions taking place all the time in the world around us. Driven to learn more about this unseen world, he went on to obtain his BSc in Chemistry from Keele University.

Keir was especially attracted to the MRes in Molecular Science and Engineering because he thinks it is important to be able to investigate problems from multiple perspectives. He also wanted to expand on his chemistry expertise, and be better equipped to work with people from an engineering background.

During his time on the course Keir has found meeting deadlines and the exams in January difficult, but was subsequently rewarded with an extremely valuable time conducting collaborative research at BASF in Germany. Upon completion of the course, Keir hopes to conduct a PhD in the study of 2D materials.

Fun fact: Keir loves spending his spare time outdoors, whether it be exercising or gardening.

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