Network Directors

  • Professor Marc-Emmanuel Dumas


    Personal details

    Professor Marc-Emmanuel Dumas Chair in Systems Medicine


    Dr Marc-Emmanuel Dumas is Chair in Systems Medicine, a joint appointment between the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction's section of Biomolecular Medicine and the National Heart and Lung Institute's section of Genomic and Environmental Medicine.

  • Professor Tom Bell

    Dr Tom Bell

    Personal details

    Professor Tom Bell Professor of Microbial Ecology


    Professor Bell's research looks at the ecology and evolution of microbial communities. Microbial communities are among the most complex, diverse, and poorly understood groups of organisms. My research combines laboratory-based experiments with field-based manipulations of naturally-occurring communities.

  • Professor Matthew Fisher

    Professor Matthew Fisher

    Personal details

    Professor Matthew Fisher Professor of Fungal Disease Epidemiology


    Professor Fisher works on emerging pathogenic fungi. His research uses an evolutionary framework to investigate the biological and environmental factors that are driving emerging fungal diseases across human, wildlife and plant species.

  • Professor Julian Marchesi

    Professor Julian Marchesi


    Professor Marchesi investigates the role of the gut microbiome in maintaining host health and initiating diseases not only of the gut, but throughout the host system.

  • Professor Miriam Moffatt

    Miriam moffatt

    Personal details

    Professor Miriam Moffatt Professor of Respiratory Genetics


    Professor Miriam Moffatt has worked for 24 years in the field of genetics focusing on allergic diseases, asthma and atopic dermatitis. She has studied the airway microbiome of the normal healthy lung as well as that seen in a variety of key respiratory diseases.

  • Dr Reiko Tanaka

    Reiko Tanaka

    Personal details

    Dr Reiko Tanaka Professor of Computational Systems Biology and Medicine


    Dr Tanaka is a computational systems biologist with expertise in dynamical systems and control. Her research focuses on understanding mechanisms of inflammatory and infectious disease, such as atopic dermatitis, asthma and fungal infection, and the role of the microbiome in those diseases.

General enquiries

For any enquiries about the Microbiome Network at Imperial, please contact: