Reproductive and Developmental Biology - Ruya Abdulsalam (22/23)

What did you most enjoy about your course?
I really enjoyed both the teaching and research project aspects of the course. During the first six months, I learned valuable lessons in how to be a good scientist, how to present my data and how to communicate scientific research to a variety of audiences, as well as learning the fundamentals of developmental and reproductive biology in an engaging way. In the second six months of my master's I had the opportunity to join the Gould laboratory at the Francis Crick Institute, which was a very rewarding experience and one I will always look back on fondly. Overall, this course has strengthened my interest in this fascinating field, and solidified my resolve to continue my career in pregnancy research. 

What did you most appreciate about the Faculty/College?
Being at one of the best universities in the world means that you are surrounded by scientists at the top of their field, which really allowed me to learn a lot within my year at Imperial. Additionally, I really appreciated the various points of support that the college offers its students. From having the free shuttle bus between ICL campuses to its various welfare and support services, I always felt there was somewhere to turn to in the college if I needed. 

How did it feel to receive the Dean's Prize?
It felt great! I am really grateful that my hard work paid off, but it is also a testament to the wonderful teaching and support I received during my master's from both within the course and from my research project supervisors.  

What are you doing now/What do you plan on doing after graduation?
I have started a DPhil in Primary healthcare at the University of Oxford, where I am working on mitigating the risk of type 2 diabetes after gestational diabetes in pregnancy. 

Any other comments
I would like to thank William Temple House, who was a significant part of the reason why I was able to complete my master's to the best of my ability.