There are a number of Entrance Scholarships offered by the School of Medicine. These are awarded to students who have Firm Unconditional places to study Medicine.

To know more about the process, please refer to the Scholarship Guidelines (2024).

Eligible students will be contacted by 1st September 2024. The invitation will be based on merit.

Please note that, if you have deferred your entry, scholarship is usually not applicable.

New Awards - Full Tuition Fees Scholarship (Home)
Full Tuition Fees Scholarships will be available to Home students who have accepted an unconditional offer to study Medicine. These will pay for a student’s tuition fees (£9,250) and will be awarded to students who might be prevented from studying medicine due to financial constraints.

Awarded for outstanding performance during Admissions process:

  • Alison Morrison Anglesea Scholarship Offered to one student starting in 2024 for six years

MBBS/BSc Course - School leavers (Home)
MBBS/BSc course Scholarships are open to school-leavers who have accepted a unconditional offer from the School of Medicine. Awarded for outstanding performance during the Admissions process and in an invited Scholarship Essay.

  • Harmsworth Scholarship £3000 pa for one year
  • McCowen Scholarship £1500 pa for two years
  • Palmer Scholarship £150 pa for two years
  • Lord Moran Scholarship £400 pa for two years
  • Sgavicchia Scholarship 2x£1,000 for one year
  • Gail Gardner McNeil Scholarship £1,500 for one year
  • Rose - E.C. Rose Bequest scholarship 1,000 for three years
  • Adrian Taylor Scholarship £3000 for one year

MBBS/BSc Course - Widening participation students only
Awarded to students who might otherwise be prevented from studying medicine by financial constraints, for outstanding performance during the Admissions process and in an invited Scholarship Essay.

  • William Greville Griffiths Award £500 pa for two years
  • Martin Turner Scholarship £1700 for one year

 For more information about the School of Medicine’s Entrance Scholarship process, please contact