A project and resource management platform will soon be available. For the time being, please bear with us and contact us directly at medbio-help@imperial.ac.uk.


You can request access to UK Med-Bio’s computational resources through our project and resource management platform. To register, simply:

  1. Log in to the system using your College credentials.
  2. Update and complete your details, indicating your current role and providing the requested information on your PI or manager.

Using the platform

Once logged in, we will verify your participation in at least one project before you can request access to the resources offered through UK Med-Bio. Although not strictly necessary, we energetically ask to indicate the participation in all projects that make use of UK Med-Bio’s resources and services.

You will receive a confirmation email each time a project participation has been verified or access to a resource has been granted. We may also need to discuss how to set things up for some of the most tailored resources, such as virtual machines or storage. In these cases, we will get in touch with you directly after you make a request.

Project participation and resource requests may be handled on behalf of other users after the corresponding verification and approval. Project managers, principal investigators and personal assistants are among the people who may wish to use this functionality.

Faculty of MedicineWiki (requires login)

Contact us

For any questions, issues or suggestions, please reach us at 
