COMBI-BIO Consortium

combi-bioCOMBI-BIO is a consortium, funded by the EU's research framework programme, that brings together leading groups in systems medicine, biomarker discovery, epidemiology, critical evaluation and development of coronary heart and cardiovascular disease risk functions, and computational medicine. UK Med-Bio provides the consortium with powerful computational resources to process the vast amount of metabolomics samples, both from liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

The Airwave Monitoring Study

AirwaveThe Airwave Health Monitoring Study is a long-term observational study following up the health of the police force with respect to TETRA exposure. The rich resource of samples and data futher provides a valuable opportunity for broader research into common diseases affecting police officers and staff. UK Med-Bio provides the study with powerful computational resources to enable researchers to analyze the vast amount of generated data. In addition, Med-Bio supports the storage and management of such data through a secure long-term solution. As an example, data from thousands of liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LCMS) samples is processed, stored, managed and made available to collaborators through Med-Bio's infrastructure.

UK Biobank

biobankUK Biobank is a major national health resource with the aim of improving the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of serious and life-threatening illnesses – including cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, eye disorders, depression and forms of dementia. UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the UK, providing blood, urine and saliva samples, detailed information about themselves and health follow-ups. All bona fide researchers can apply to use the UK Biobank resource for health related research that is in the public interest. Med-Bio affiliates within Imperial College are able to easily access data from this resource thanks to Med-Bio's dedicated infrastructure. Researchers interested in getting access should email . More information on Med-Bio's internal Wiki.


phenomenalPhenoMeNal (Phenome and Metabolome aNalysis) is a comprehensive and standardised e-infrastructure that will support the data processing and analysis pipelines for molecular phenotype data generated by metabolomics applications. PhenoMeNal will provide services enabling computation and analysis to improve the understanding of the causes and mechanisms underlying health, healthy ageing and diseases. Med-Bio assists PhenoMeNal efforts by providing computational infrastructure. In addition, both PhenoMeNal and Med-Bio support the National Phenome Centre, which holds large amounts of data on Med-Bio's storage.

National Centre for Mesothelioma Research

The National Centre for Mesothelioma Research based in the National Heart and Lung Institute (NHLI) of Imperial College aims to lead discovery research aimed at the underlying mechanisms of mesothelioma and lung cancer, identifying new targets for therapy and new diagnostics for patient stratification. 


Metaboflow, funded by the Wellcome Trust, is part of a consortium of leading UK Universities with a deep interest in metabonomics. More information coming soon.


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