slide 1

Modelling and Haptic Interaction

Elastic rod modelling and bimanual manipulation with two haptic devices

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Elastic Rod Modelling of Tubular Structures

Cosserat rod modelling of anatomical structures for surgical simulation

Slide 3

Virtual Surgical Prepping

Future surgeon learning surgical prepping on our haptic simulator

Slide 4

3D Anatomical Visualisation

Three dimensional visualisation of male pelvic anatomy

Slide 5

Digital Rectal Examination Haptic Training System

Junior doctor practicing the skills of DRE on our DiRECT training system

Slide 6

Haptic Otrhopaedic Training Simulator

Demonstration of our Dynamic Hip Screw (DHS) haptic orthopaedic training simulator

Our research and development activities include both software algorithms and hardware interfaces, as well as system integration, testing and validation. We are particularly interested in the use of virtual environments and haptics (force and touch feedback) in the context of education and training, with an emphasis on highly dexterous tasks such as those involved in performing a surgical operation or a medical examination. Our work can be broadly subdivided into Procedure modelling and simulation, Systems modelling and simulation, and AI modelling and simulation. Further information on our main research categories is accessible via the links below:

Department of Surgery and CancerCentre for Engagement and Simulation ScienceVisit our YouTube channel

General Enquiries

For further information on our research projects or current opportunities, please contact:

Professor of Surgical Computing and Simulation Science
Professor Fernando Bello
+44 (0)20 3315 8231