Defining Long COVID

Over the past 3 years, we have been inviting people to share what ongoing symptoms after COVID-19 feel like in their own words as part of our defining Long COVID Challenge on VOICE-Global. [This activity has now closed but we continue to use the responses to shape our work].

We received over 100 responses which capture the depth and breadth of symptoms experienced. One of our aims of this challenge was to use these responses to raise awareness of the symptoms of Long COVID, and their impact, in a way that is accessible, engaging, and impactful. As such, we have been working closely with our public advisor and illustrator Monique Jackson to develop illustrations which visually capture the range and impact of Long COVID symptoms.

In 2022 Monique produced a poster entitled ‘What does long covid feels like?’ (see below) visualising the way contributors described their ‘fatigue’, ‘breathlessness’, ‘pain’, ‘tingling/buzzing’ and ‘brain fog’ symptoms, among others.

More recently Monique has developed a poster on the impacts of Long Covid to answer the question ‘What is life like with Long Covid?’. The poster is linked to a series of illustrated stories shared on our social media pages. These stories were inspired by the defining Long Covid responses as well as the REACT-LC study interviews and cover the different areas of people’s life that might be impacted by their symptoms. They can be viewed here.

Download the What is life like with long covid poster

Download the Defining Long COVID Poster

The poster is also available to download in the following languages:


Social Media Stories


REACT Long COVID Update Report - July 2022

Download the full report: REACT Long COVID Update Report July 2022



The 15th March 2024 marks Long Covid Awareness day so we wanted to highlight the work we have been doing over last year to continue to understand this emerging condition.

Since out last report we have carried out a significant amount of data collection and begun our analysis, evidenced by a number of publications and outputs.

You can read an overview of the findings in the report but there are also links throughout to other sources and references for more information.

Download the latest report: REACT-Long Covid Update report March 2024

Central London Community Healthcare animation that talks about Long covid (also known as post covid) , the common symptoms and what you can do to get help and support

CLCH Long Covid Animation for Patients

This video was produced by Central London Community Healthcare to help raise awareness about Long Covid symptoms. Insights for this animation were drawn from the  REACT-Long Covid study and defining Long Covid engagement activities. 

Contact details

For media or communications enquiries only please contact: Jack Stewart