This section outlines some of the public involvement activity undertaken by the Patient Experience Research Centre.


Diversifying Research Podcast

This podcast series, developed by Fola Afolabi, aims to critically consider how to improve the inclusion of underrepresented voices in reserarch. Across the 10 episodes Fola is joined by guests to discuss this important issue from the perspective of members of the public, community leaders, patient and public involvement practitioners and researchers. Check out some of her episodes below, and catch the full series here.

Episode 9 – Promoting public involvement in research

Maria Piggin, the Partnerships and Training Manager at the NIHR BRC Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC), highlights the importance of public involvement in research; she also provides advice to researchers who are interested in involving the public in their research.

Episode 10 – How to get involved in research

Maria Piggin, the Partnerships and Training Manager at the NIHR BRC Imperial Patient Experience Research Centre (PERC), explains how members of the public and patients can get involved in research activities.

COVID-19 activityPublic Involvement Resource HubSchool of Public Health

Contact us

PERC Director and Co-Founder
Prof. Helen Ward

For enquiries about PERC's research activity, please email:

For enquiries about public involvement in research, please email:

Click here for more ways to get in touch >