Cells under microscope

  • Mesothelioma UK is a national specialist resource centre for mesothelioma. The charity provides mesothelioma information, support and education and is dedicated to improving care and treatment for all UK mesothelioma patients and their carers. Mesothelioma UK integrates into NHS front line services by providing specialist mesothelioma nursing.
  • The June Hancock Mesothelioma Research Fund sponsor and promote vital research into mesothelioma. They also campaign to raise awareness of the disease and the dangers of asbestos, and support activities for people with mesothelioma and their carers.
  • MesobanK is the UK's largest collection of blood, pleural fluid, tumour tissue and cell lines from mesothelioma patients. The organisation is dedicated to the study of mesothelioma by providing researchers with samples for a wide range of mesothelioma research.
  • The British Lung Foundation (BLF) is a charity dedicated to supporting lung health and research into lung diseases in the UK. The BLF invest into a variety of different projects dedicated to mesothelioma.
  • Mesothelioma Research Network, launched by the BLF in 2017, brings together basic and translational scientists, clinicians and health care professionals working on mesothelioma. The network aims to promote collaboration and sharing of knowledge, skills and resources within the mesothelioma community.


Professor Bill Cookson