Our members

  • Professor Gisli Jenkins

    Man in suit smiling

    Personal details

    Professor Gisli Jenkins Head of Centre


    Guy Scadding Building,
    Royal Brompton Campus

    Research themes

    Gisli Jenkins is a respiratory physician and cell & molecular biologist studying how the lung responds to injury to understand what drives progressive pulmonary fibrosis rather healing, repair and regeneration.

  • Dr Alison John

    Alison John

    Personal details

    Dr Alison John Wet lab lead


    Guy Scadding Building,
    Royal Brompton Campus

    Research themes

    Alison John is a cell and molecular biologist investigating why some individuals respond to lung injury by developing progressive pulmonary fibrosis while others heal without evidence of scarring and using that knowledge to develop new anti-fibrotic therapies

  • Dr Iain Stewart

    Iain Stewart

    Personal details

    Dr Iain Stewart Dry lab lead


    Guy Scadding Building,
    Royal Brompton Campus

    Research themes

    Iain is a data analyst and statistician, he has a background in functional genomics and stem cell studies, risk monitoring at secondary health services, epidemiology of lung cancer, as well as experience of large electronic healthcare data sources and multi-omic or biomarker data from clinical studies.  

  • Ms Natasha Richmond

    Natasha Richmond

    Personal details

    Ms Natasha Richmond PA for Centre


    Hammersmith campus

  • Ms Valerie Quinn

    Personal details

    Ms Valerie Quinn Project Manager


    Guy Scadding Building,
    Royal Brompton Campus

Academic staff

Professor Clare Lloyd
Professor Sejal Saglani
Professor Jane Mitchell
Professor Toby Maher
Professor Phil Molyneaux
Professor Jadwiga Wedzicha
Dr Rob Snelgrove 
Dr Simon Walsh 
Dr Darius Armstrong-James 
Dr Alison John
Dr Iain Stewart 
Dr Hernan Fainberg 
Dr Laura Fabbri 
Professor Jenni Quint
Dr Ann Morgan 
Dr Jo Feary 
Emeritus Professor Edwin Chilvers
Emeritus Professor Anthony Newman Taylor 

ILD Physicians

Dr Pete George
Dr Felix Chua
Dr Maria Kokosi
Dr Vasilis Kouranos
Dr Elizabeth Renzoni
Professor Athol Wells 
Dr Melissa Wickremasinghe 
Dr Robina Coker 
Dr Katie Ward 

Transplant physicians

Dr Ana Reed 

Specialist ILD Radiologists

Professor Anand Devaraj 
Professor Sujal Desai
Dr Susan Copley 

Specialist ILD Pathologists

Professor Andrew Nicholson 
Dr Alexandra Rice 


Dr Debbie Morris-Rosendahl 

Thoracic Surgeons and Interventional Bronchoscopists

Professor Pallav Shah 

Pulmonary Hypertension Team 

Dr Laura Price
Dr Luke Howard
Dr John Wort
Professor Allan Lawrie

General enquiries

For any enquiries about the Margaret Turner Warwick Centre for Fibrosing Lung Disease, please contact:
