Friday June 15th 2018 - Hammersmith Campus

"Past & Future of Data Science in the NIHR Imperial BRC & ITMAT

 ITMAT Worskhop logo




This worskhop is organized by the ITMAT Data Science Group of the NIHR Imperial Biomerdical Research Centre (BRC). It will gather Imperial College speakers to discuss current challenges and opportunities in using data science for translational medicine.

Location:  Lecture Theatre 2,  Wolfson Centre, Imperial College Hammersmith Campus, London W12 0NN


Welcome  Coffee & Tea

10h00:11h30 - Morning Session - Orals

BRC/ITMAT Data Science Projects & Impact 


10h00-10h05: P. Matthews (Past ITMAT Chair), "Review of data science funding within ITMAT over the past 2 years"
10h05-11h05: ITMAT projects:

  • "A radiomics feature classification approach to defining tumour aggressiveness in ovarian cancer", Dr. Haonan Lu (Faculty of Medicine, Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre). Project funded in 2016. PI: E. Aboagye.
  • "Role of de novo non-coding mutations in neurodevelopmental disorders", Dr. Santosh Atanur (Faculty of Medicine, NIHR BRC Genetics and Genomics Theme & ITMAT Data Science Group). Project funded in 2017. PI: S. Atanur.
  • "Closing the loop on drug discovery with high-content imaging and ‘omics' approaches", Sam Cooper (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer)

11h05-11h10:  "Future plans and mode of review on impact of data science in ITMAT proejcts", Prof. Jorge Ferrer (NIHR BRC Genetics and Genomics Theme & current chair of ITMAT).
11h10-11h30: Panel discussion on "Data Science within ITMAT and the Imperial BRC" (P. Matthews, R. Glen, J. Ferrer).


11h30:12h40 - Keynotes on two Initiatives of Excellence @ Imperial

  • “Keystroke: How computers can help manage a common neurological disease”, Dr. Paul BENTLEY (Faculty of MedicineDepartment of Medicine, Centre for Restorative Neurosciences).

  • “The road to impact in metabolic phenotyping” & "Informatic pipelines for phenotypic data processing", Dr. Matthew Lewis (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer,  MRC-NIHR Phenome Centre (NPC), Clinical Phenotyping Centre (CPC)).

12h40-13h45: Lunch Break


13h45:14h30 - Afternoon Session - Posters

"ITMAT Data Science Projects & Impact"  

 Topics will include:
  • Past and currently funded BRC projects (ITMAT - All Themes)
  • Current ITMAT DS projects
  • ITMAT collaborations (MRES student projects, PhD projects...)
  • ITMAT data-science resources (challenges, databases, registries, UKB,…)
  • Imperial BRC data-science resources (challenges, databases, registries, UKB,…)
 14h20-14h40: Coffee Break


14h40:16h30 - Afternoon Session - Orals

"Data sharing & Compute Resources for Data Science in the Faculty of Medicine" 


14h40-15h00: Initiatives in Mass Spectrometry & Phenotypic Informatics

  • "Informatic pipelines for phenotypic data processing", Dr. Jake Pearce (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Division of Computational & Systems Medicine).
  • "Applications of ambient ionisation mass spectrometry", Dr. James McKenzie (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Division of Computational & Systems Medicine).

15h00-15h20: Infrastructures:

  • "Review on UK-MedBio",  Dr. David Mosen-Ansorena (Faculty of Medicine, Bioinformatics Data Science Group)
  • "Perspective on UK-HDR-London", Prof. Robert Glen (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Head of the ITMAT DSG)

15h20-15h50: Initiatives on Building & Sharing Databases:

  • "Updates on the Imperial BIORESOURCES Initiative, Ben Glampson (Imperial College Healthcare Trust, Health Informatics)
  • "Updates on the UK-Biobank cohort @ the DSI", Florian Guitton (Department of Computing, Data Science Institute & Imperial BRC, ITMAT Data Science Group)
  • "Data sharing and processing at scale in 2018: Questions and perspectives", Dr. Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach (Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Computing, Developing Human Connectome Project-DHCP)

15h50-16h10: Initiatives in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning:

  1. "AI for Healthcare Centre" new initiative, Dr. Aldo Faisal (Faculty of EngineeringDepartment of Computing and Department of Bioengineering)
  2. "DreamLab: Harnessing the computing power of idle smartphones for precision medicine",  Dr. Kirill Veselkov (Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery & Cancer). Project funded by Vodafone / Foundation.  Link

16h10-16h30: Panel discussion on needs & challenges (R. GlenB. Glampson, A. Faisal)

Contact us

For any enquiries related to the ITMAT data science group, please contact: