A picture of data charts

Learning about data and AI has never been this easy. From apps monitoring our blood sugar to clinical researchers asking us about our personal information, the world of data in healthcare can be scary. We are here to help.

Why we have built the website

  • Education for everyone – Our content was created in collaboration with members of the public with the support of experts. If this is your first time learning about data or artificial intelligence, you are in the right place.
  • Learn your way – The guide has been written for you to use in any way that suits you. You can read it online or print it and read it like a booklet. We have are podcasts, animated videos and illustrative examples throughout enhance your learning.
  • Take your time - We know you are busy. Our content is designed to be absorbed in small chunks.

A brief message from us

Healthcare is changing, and information (data) is more important than ever. Artificial intelligence (AI) is starting to help organise and deliver healthcare. But what does this mean for us, and how do we make decisions when these changes affect us? How can we influence what happens?

We created this guide to help answer those questions. We hope it will help everyone understand more about data and AI. We want you to feel confident in making choices about your data and its use in healthcare. We want you to be able to feel confident talking about data and AI in with friends and family members. We hope you will feel able to bring your voice to projects that are trying to use and improve data and AI in healthcare.

Leading this project has been a privilege. We have had incredible support from our public contributors and experts. We have learned a lot from everyone and look forward to sharing that with you in this guide to data and artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Kelly Gleason and Jonathan Gregory
Imperial College London 

We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to creating this guide. 

Project leads

  • Jonathan Gregory 
  • Kelly Gleason

Project team contributors

  • Amrapali Amrapali
  • Vernon Bailey
  • Christine Chaloner-Sandell
  • Saran Green
  • Tene Green
  • Pamela Gregory
  • Suzanne Kelly
  • Mark Minott
  • Steven Murphy
  • Michael Njegomir
  • Victoria Nnatuanya
  • Othman Mohammad Noor
  • Reshma Punjabi
  • Emma Robertson
  • Serdar Savasir
  • John Schofield
  • Liz Schofield
  • Suzanne Steer
  • Shanice Thomas
  • Anthony Austell Turner-Truro
  • Sandra Tymms
  • Pournamy Vema

Project team expert contributors

  • Kerlann Le Calvez
  • Danny Ruta
  • Martha Martin
  • Kelly Mousa
  • Ronnie Davies
  • Matt Williams

People who have reviewed and commented on the guide or have had conversations and discussions with us that have shaped the guide:

  • Hatim Abdulhussain
  • Phil Booth
  • Dorota Chapko
  • Tom Clutton-Brock
  • Alan Davies
  • Glen Hart
  • Charlie Huins
  • Halle Johnson
  • Chris Kelly
  • Julia Letts
  • Rachita Mallya
  • Kabelo Murray
  • Hina Pandya
  • Maria Piggin
  • Stefanie Posavec
  • David Spiegelhalter
  • Piotr Teodorowski
  • Vishaal Virani
  • Kieran Zucker


  • Ryan Lovelock at Cognitant


  • Julie Letts

Animated Videos

  • Cognitant

This work was supported by:

  • Imperial Societal Engagement Participatory Research Seed Fund Award
  • Imperial Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre
  • Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre
  • NIHR Applied Research Collaboration for Northwest London
  • NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Surgery and Cancer Theme
  • NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Digital Health Theme
  • NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Patient Experience Research Centre 

Contact us

For general enquiries email: imperial.dcs@nhs.net

For data access enquiries email: imperial.dataaccessrequest@nhs.net

iCARE social media

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