Our fact sheets provide more information about what we can do as individuals, as parents, as patients and as carers to tackle the issue of drug-resistant infections - download them below:
Antimicrobial Resistance - what can I do (pdf)
Antimicrobial Resistance - what can I do as a carer (pdf)
Antimicrobial Resistance - what can I do as a parent (pdf)
Antimicrobial Resistance - what can I do as a patient (pdf)
Game of Life and Death - snakes and ladders game
Antibiotic resistance - the graphic novel (pdf)
We have also developed the following activities which have run successfully at Imperial festival, Science Museum lates and other events. We would like to offer them free to anyone who might want to run a public/patient engagement activity to raise awareness of AMR. They are very well suited to a science festival, school science fair, or as a bespoke pop-up stand to accompany some other science or healthcare event. Download them here:
PPIE download pack--Antibiotic Amnesty
PPIE download pack--Antibiotic Arms Race
PPIE download pack--Play Your Cards Right
PPIE download pack--Build-A-Bug
PPIE download pack--Modern Medicine Jenga
For more information about ways to get involved, please download our Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement leaflet (pdf).
Antibiotic Research UK (ARUK) have a number of fact sheets about specific types of drug resistant infections. They also offer a dedicated Patient Support service for people with antibiotic-resistant infections. Details of both can be found here.