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Key information

Chief Investigator:
Professor Hashim U Ahmed 

ICTU collaboration: Operations; Statistics; Database  


Study website: PROSPECT

Trial registration:
ISRCTN11095538 / NCT04400656

Status:  Analysis Reporting 

PROState Pathway Embedded Comparative Trial (PROSPECT)

The traditional double blind RCT is the ‘gold standard’ trial design. For a variety of reasons, these designs often fail to accrue enough participants to conclude. This is particularly challenging in localised prostate cancer. The Cohort Multiple Randomised Controlled Trial (cmRCT) trial design may represent an alternative approach to delivering robust comparative data in prostate cancer.

IP3-PROSPECT is a cmRCT designed to test multiple prostate cancer interventions from eligible men in one cohort. Key to the design is two points of consent. First, at point of consent one, men referred for prostate cancer investigations are invited to join the cohort. They may then be randomly invited at a later date to consider an intervention at point of consent two.
In the pilot phase we will test the acceptability and feasibility of developing the cohort. 

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