Image of hand holding test tubes in laboratory

The Emergency and Critical Care Medicine team is led by Professor Anthony Gordon,  he is the Chair in Anaesthesia and Critical Care at Imperial College and is a Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine based at St Mary's Hospital.

As well as clinical trials, Professor Gordon leads a multidisciplinary group undertaking translational research studies in sepsis. He leads a number of multi-centre clinical trials and his multi-disciplinary team are developing "Personalised Medicine for Sepsis" using multiple -omic techniques, as well as the use of AI.

The Emergency and Critical Care Medicine team have expertise in successfully recruiting critically ill patients into research trials in the emergency setting, often with very short recruitment windows.

Most patients in this situation will lack capacity to consent and the group has developed robust mechanisms to ensure full compliance with all the ethical and regulatory issues.

Professor Gordon is currently Chief Investigator on an ICTU multi-centre trial – (Sepsis Trials in Critical Care – SepTIC). This is a multicentre pragmatic randomised, multi-factorial, open-label trial with an embedded randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial.

As well as clinical trials, Professor Gordon leads a multidisciplinary group undertaking translational research studies in sepsis. He leads a number of multi-centre clinical trials and his multi-disciplinary team are developing "Personalised Medicine for Sepsis" using multiple omic techniques, as well as the use of AI.

The Emergency and Critical Care Medicine team have expertise in successfully recruiting critically ill patients into research trials in the emergency setting, often with very short recruitment windows.

Most patients in this situation will lack capacity to consent and the group has developed robust mechanisms to ensure full compliance with all the ethical and regulatory issues.

Professor Gordon is currently Chief Investigator on an ICTU multi-centre trial – (Sepsis Trials in Critical Care – SepTIC). This is a multicentre pragmatic randomised, multi-factorial, open-label trial with an embedded randomised double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial.

He has previously been CI on two other ICTU trials:

Early vasopressin use in septic shock and its interaction with corticosteroids (VANISH trial) - Effect of Early Vasopressin vs Norepinephrine on Kidney Failure in Patients With Septic Shock: The VANISH Randomized Clinical Trial | Critical Care Medicine | JAMA | JAMA Network

Levosimendan for the prevention of organ failure (LeoPARDS trial) - Levosimendan for the Prevention of Acute Organ Dysfunction in Sepsis | NEJM

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