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Key Information

Chief Investigator Dr Dan Keene


Trial registration:

Status:  Recruiting 

PROTECT-HF: The Physiological vs Right ventricular pacing Outcome Trial Evaluated for bradyCardia Treatment


The PROTECT-HF trial, British Heart Foundation funded, compares two different pacing approaches for treating patients with slow heart rates. It will compare the standard approach for pacing, right ventricular pacing, with physiological pacing. With right ventricular pacing the pacemaker lead is positioned on the heart muscle in the right ventricle. This method is very effective at treating slow heart rates, however produces an abnormal activation pattern of the heart. This abnormal activation is less efficient and can lead to impairment in heart function. During physiological pacing, the pacemaker lead is positioned on the heart’s natural electrical conduction system allowing a normal efficient pattern of ventricular activation.
The trial will establish whether preserving the heart’s normal activation sequence using physiological pacing results in a reduction in heart failure and death. This study will allow us to know what the best pacing approach is for people with slow heart rates.

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