Recharge rates for Imperial projects for all bookable items

Instrument / softwarePriceAdditional costs
All analysers £30/hour none
Aria Illu cell sorter £75/hour £75 startup and calibration
another £75 aseptic cleaning for extra sterility
Bio-Rad Luminex 200 £43/plate none
MSD £20/plate none
Flowjo (PC&Mac) Free none
Kaluza dongle Free  none
Summary of the table's contents

Please enquire about recharge rates for external users for all bookable items

National Heart and Lung Institute

General enquiries

St Mary's FACS Facility
Room 312D, third floor
Medical school building 
St Mary's Campus 
Norfolk Place 
London W2 1PG 

Facility Manager
Dr Isabel Correa-Otero