White coat ceremony

Educational Quality Assurance at LKCMedicine

The MBBS programme at LKCMedicine is jointly conferred by Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU). Both institutions are fully committed to ensuring that LKCMedicine operates with the highest quality standards of education to maintain the outstanding academic reputation of both partners. A Governing Board, comprising members of Imperial, NTU and external stakeholders, meets every quarter to oversee deliverables of the collaboration agreement. 

As outlined in the collaboration agreement, the quality of the programme has been, and will continue to be, monitored throughout the duration of the operating period (and any wind-down period) using the quality management mechanisms agreed during the development period. Imperial and NTU have an agreed set of quality assurance and management procedures for LKCMedicine, which fulfil all Imperial and NTU quality assurance requirements.

 This includes processes for: 

  • The approval of curriculum and policy changes 
  • Receiving and responding to student feedback 
  • Standard annual monitoring and external examiner regulations 
  • Periodic reviews of the collaboration agreement and delivery of the programme 

 Key principles 

  • The standard of the MBBS awarded by Imperial and NTU is of the same high standard as that awarded by Imperial in London 
  • Policies and Procedures developed for LKCMedicine meet the regulatory requirements of both NTU and Imperial 
  • NTU and Imperial have ultimate responsibility for the academic standards of the award 
  • The programme must meet the current and any future relevant quality assurance requirements for higher education in Singapore 
  • The programme must meet the current and any future relevant UK QAA requirements 

LKCMedicine’s MBBS programme falls under the regulations of the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), and must conform to the local quality assurance requirements imposed by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) and the Ministry of Education in Singapore. 

While the programme is not accredited by the UK General Medical Council (GMC), the course maintains the standards expected by the GMC and is fully recognised by the Singapore Medical Council (SMC). LKCMedicine is included on the SMC’s First Schedule of the Medical Registration Act, and graduates are eligible to apply for provisional or, on completion of their housemanship or first year of speciality training, full registration with the SMC.

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