Welcome to our innovation centre, where we are dedicated to supporting academics and students in their pursuit of innovative ideas and solutions. Our centre provides a range of services and resources to help individuals develop and refine their ideas, build and test prototypes. Through ideation and brainstorming sessions, prototyping and testing services, and training and workshops, we aim to foster a culture of creativity and innovation and support the development of new ideas and solutions that have the potential to make a real impact in the world.

Innovation Strategy

We offer comprehensive support and guidance throughout the innovation process, from ideation and development to implementation and scaling. Our team can help identify and assess potential opportunities, develop and test prototypes, for teaching and research, navigating the challenges of bringing new ideas to life.

We continue to lead the way in Medical teaching through Innovative approaches using cutting edge technology embedded in the curriculum

  • 360 Interactive videos

  • Pathology Interactive 

  • 3D Pathological specimens presented through photogrammetry

  • Mass Casualty VR Sim

  • HoloLens remote Medicine emergency

  • Hololens training Year 2 

  • HoloLens Covid teaching UG

  • Imperial College presence in the Virtual Spaces Online Learning and teaching
  • Mozilla Hubs
  • Research into using AI
  • Data models for training

​​Our award winning XR projects have been featured on :

Academic Journals

Awards / Nominations:

  • IT Award winners 2021

  • Runners Up Garner

  • BMB/Engineering Pipette training
  • AI Patient diagnostics Alexa
  • Chatbot integration for Medlearn


Please email us to find out more how we can help. 

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