Our team of experienced learning designers and learning technologists offer support and guidance in scoping, designing and developing your open content course or specialisation or your online degree programme. 

We will help you scope, design and develop your online course or programme by guiding and supporting you throughout our robust project processes, and you will have the support of a dedicated project manager to help manage the timescales and everything you will need to deliver as part of this process. 

Our learning designers and learning technologists will help you find the best ways to deliver your course both in line with best practice for online learning design and in the optimum use of learning technology. 

In terms of our production process, we will guide you though the following stages:

  • Analysis phase 
  • Design phase
  • Development and implementation phase 
  • Revision and QA phase
  • Maintenance and revision phase.

We work in a collaborative manner and we are dedicated to developing courses which maximise inclusivity for all learners and comply fully both with Imperial College's accessibility guidelines and the latest WCAG guidelines. 


Please email us to find out more about how we can help.

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