Current clinical trials

Events Adjudication Committee Member
Sponsored by Abbvie

An RCT of a novel endothelin inhibitor atrasentan on CV death or end stage renal disease.

National Lead Investigator
Sponsored by AstraZeneca

Multi-centre study to test if dapagliflozin when added to a patients current anti-diabetes therapy is effective in reducing cardiovascular events such as myocardial infarction (MI) (heart attack), ischemic stroke, and cardiovascular (CV) related death, compared with placebo. Enrolment of 18,000 subjects anticipated with completion expected in 2019.

National Lead Investigator and Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by AstraZeneca

Phase 3 RCT of Omega 3 Fatty acids for the secondary Prevention of CVD.

National Lead Investigator and Steering Committee Member
Sponsored by AstraZeneca

Assessing the effect of Ticagrelor in stable CHD.  Global study of 17,000 patients. Expected completion 2017

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Cerenis

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of a HDL mimetic on atheroma burden on IVUS.

Steering Committee Member
Sponsored by Eisai

Phase 3 trial of a novel agent for weight loss improvement of metabolic traits and CVD outcomes.

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Esperion

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of ETC1002 on CVD outcomes in patients at CVD risk intolerant of statins.

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Esperion

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of ETC1002 on LDL-C.

Steering Committee Member
Sponsored by Kowa

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of K877on CVD in people with DM and high TG low HDL-C. Commencing 2017.

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Lilly

Phase 3 trial of Anacetrapib on Lipid levels among those with FH or dyslipidemia intolerant of current therapies.

PI and Co-Chair of the Executive Committee
Sponsored by Medicines Company

Phase 2 RCT assessing the efficacy of a novel intervention with iRNA therapy to PCSK9 on lipids.

Chair of International Executive Committee
Sponsored by Resverlogix

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of BET inhibition on CVD.

National Lead Investigator
Sponsored by Sanofi Regeneron

Multi-centre study to compare the effect of alirocumab SAR236553 (REGN727) with placebo on the occurrence of cardiovascular events in patients who have experienced an acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Sanofi Regeneron

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of Alirocumab on lipids in patients with atherogenic dyslipidaemia and DM. 

Executive Committee Member
Sponsored by Sanofi Regeneron

Phase 3 RCT assessing the efficacy of Alirocumab on lipids in patients with DM treated with insulin.