Since the emergence of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in December 2019, we have adopted a policy of immediately sharing research findings on the developing pandemic. This page provides access to all public resources for community engagement developed by the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team.


These videos provide a platform for leading experts across Imperial College to share how science contributes to the COVID-19 outbreak response, the epidemiological and public-health principles and challenges that underpin these analyses.

Video playlist

COVID Science in Context 1 Neil Ferguson

Published 25-02-2021
COVID19 Science in context Episode 1 (25-02-2021): Dr Sabine van Elsland in conversation with Prof Neil Ferguson on the modelling that informed the UK governments roadmap out of lockdownVideo produced by MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis.

COVID Science in Context 1 Neil Ferguson

COVID Science in Context 1 Neil Ferguson

Your questions answered

Published 25-02-2021
COVID19 Science in context Episode 1 (25-02-2021): Dr Sabine van Elsland in conversation with Prof Neil Ferguson on the modelling that informed the UK governments roadmap out of lockdownVideo produced by MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis.

ITVnews: COVID-19 what the future holds

ITVnews: COVID-19 what the future holds

Your questions answered

Published 15-02-2021
COVID19: What the future holds after the UK emerges from coronavirus lockdown (15-02-2021): Tom Clarke in conversation with Professor Azra GhaniVideo produced by ITVnews.

Imperial Global: Expert insights on COVID-19

Imperial Global: Expert insights on COVID-19

Your questions answered

Published 28-01-2021
Imperial Global: Expert insights on COVID-19 (28-01-2021): President Prof Alice Gast in conversation with Prof Steven Riley, Prof Wendy Barclay and Prof Peter OpenshawVideo produced by Imperial College London.

Video 20: COVID-19 and Real-Time Modelling

Video 20: COVID-19 and Real-Time Modelling

Your questions answered

Published 23-12-2020
Your questions answered (23-12-2020): Real-Time Modelling of COVID-19 with Dr Marc Baguelin, Dr Katy Gaythorpe, Dr Rich FitzJohn, Dr Wes Hinsley, Dr John Lees, Dr Robert Verity, Dr Edward Knock, Dr Lilith Whittles, Dr Pablo Perez Guzman, Professor Neil FergusonVideo produced by MRC GIDA.

Video 19: COVID-19 and community transmission

Video 19: COVID-19 and community transmission

Your questions answered

Published 25-08-2020
Your questions answered (25-08-2020): Professor Steven Riley and Professor Graham Cooke on community transmission. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 18: COVID-19 and mis-information

Video 18: COVID-19 and mis-information

Your questions answered

Published 27-07-2020
Your questions answered (27-07-2020): Professor Helen Ward on information and mis-information in the COVID-19 outbreak response. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 17: COVID-19 and community engagement

Video 17: COVID-19 and community engagement

Your questions answered

Published 27-07-2020
Your questions answered (27-07-2020): Professor Helen Ward on community engagement in the COVID-19 outbreak response. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 16: Direct and indirect impact of COVID-19

Video 16: Direct and indirect impact of COVID-19

Your questions answered

Published 13-07-2020
Your questions answered (13-07-2020): Professor Timothy Hallett on indirect impacts of COVID-19. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 15: Governments response to pandemics

Video 15: Governments response to pandemics

Your questions answered

Published 06-07-2020
Your questions answered (06-07-2020): Professor Tony Travers on governments response to pandemics. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 14: Financing epidemic responses

Video 14: Financing epidemic responses

Your questions answered

Published 01-07-2020
Your questions answered (01-07-2020): Dr Adrian Gheorghe on financing epidemic responses and lessons from the West Africa Ebola Outbreak. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 13: Emergency preparedness

Video 13: Emergency preparedness

Your questions answered

Published 29-06-2020
Your questions answered (29-06-2020): Ms Janetta Skarp on emergency preparedness in context of the COVID19 pandemic. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 12: Health systems and economics

Video 12: Health systems and economics

Your questions answered

Published 26-06-2020
Your questions answered (26-06-2020): Dr Katharina Hauck on health systems and economics in context of the COVID19 pandemic. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 11: Modelling COVID-19

Video 11: Modelling COVID-19

Your questions answered

Video published 24-06-2020
Q&A "Let's talk about COVID-19" with Dr Lilith Whittles, Dr Katy Gaythorpe and Dr Juliette Unwin hosted by Gareth Mitchell - This first episode of the series talks about modelling COVID19 and answers questions from the live audience. Video produced by Imperial College London.

Video 10: Situation update and lockdown

Video 10: Situation update and lockdown

Your questions answered

Update published 08-04-2020
Your questions answered - an update (08-04-2020): Professor Steven Riley on the current COVID19 pandemic, patterns around the world, social distancing measures and exiting lockdown. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 9: Europe estimates

Video 9: Europe estimates

Your questions answered

Update published 06-04-2020
Your questions answered - an update (06-04-2020): Dr Samir Bhatt on estimating the number of infections and the impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 in 11 European countries. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 8: China Social Distancing

Video 8: China Social Distancing

Your questions answered

Update published 26-03-2020
Your questions answered - an update (24-03-2020): Professor Steven Riley on the current status of the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic and the latest report on transmission, economic activity and social distancing strategies in China. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 7: Situation report COVID-19

Video 7: Situation report COVID-19

Your questions answered

Update published 11-03-2020
Your questions answered - an update (11-03-2020): Professor Neil Ferguson on the current status of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak, case numbers, intervention measures and challenges countries are currently facing. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 6: Situation update, interventions & undetected cases

Video 6: Situation update, interventions & undetected cases

Your questions answered

Update published 28-02-2020
Your questions answered - an update (28-02-2020): Professor Neil Ferguson and Professor Christl Donnelly on the current status of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, non-pharmaceutical interventions and estimates of undetected cases. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 5: WEF webinar

Video 5: WEF webinar

Your questions answered

Update published 25-02-2020
World Economic Forum Webinar: The Bigger Picture on Coronavirus and Rapid Response Healthcare featuring professor Neil Ferguson. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 4: Situation update & genetic diversity

Video 4: Situation update & genetic diversity

Your questions answered

Update published 20-02-2020
Your questions answered: Professor Neil Ferguson on the current status of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak (20-02-2020), and Dr Erik Volz on the genetic diversity of COVID-19 to estimate origin, growth rate and size of the epidemic. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 3: Situation update & fatality ratio

Video 3: Situation update & fatality ratio

Your questions answered

Update published 15-02-2020
Your questions answered: Professor Neil Ferguson on the current status of the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak (15-02-2020). Together with Dr Ilaria Dorigatti and Dr Lucy Okell, he addresses the work of the team on estimated COVID-19 severity in Wuhan, amongst travellers and overall fatality ratio of infections. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 2: Modelling in outbreak response

Video 2: Modelling in outbreak response

Your questions answered

Update published 10-02-2020
Your questions answered: Dr Nim Pathy and Professor Steven Riley from the MRC Centre and J-IDEA explain the modelling behind the estimates, and how infectious disease modelling is used to inform optimal public health interventions at each stage of the outbreak. Video produced by J-IDEA.

Video 1: Situation update & epidemic size

Video 1: Situation update & epidemic size

Your questions answered

Update published 05-02-2020
Your questions answered: Professor Neil Ferguson, director of the MRC Centre and J-IDEA, on the current 2019-nCoV coronavirus outbreak (05-02-2020). He addresses the work of his team on estimates, the scale of the epidemic, forward projections, the role of modelling and analytics in outbreak response, informing governments, interventions, control measures and more. Video produced by J-IDEA.


Are you interested to learn more about how the spread of the epidemic is modelled, how transmissibility of infections is estimated, what the challenges are in estimating the case fatality ratio, and also learning about the importance of community involvement in responding to the epidemic? Join our online Coursera course: 'Science Matters: Let's Talk About COVID-19'.

Flexible content widget - public resources

Science Journal for Teens

Biomedical Science Journal for Teens article (13-07-2020) adapted from Lancet publication (13-07-2020) "Potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling studyFind out more

Biomedical Science Journal for Teens article (28-04-2020) adapted from report 9 (16-03-2020) "Impact of NPIs to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand" Find out more

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For any enquiries related to the MRC Centre please contact:

Scientific Manager
Susannah Fisher

External Relationships and Communications Manager
Dr Sabine van Elsland