The NIHR Health Protection Unit in Modelling and Health Economics regularly works with the three other Imperial-hosted units to deliver cross-unit research PPIE objectives.

HPRU Managers from each unit regularly meet to plan the integration of activities where possible, for example participation and attendance of each other’s symposia, seminar programmes, and formal cross-unit research days; thus providing opportunities for cross-unit synergies and collaborations across a wide variety of research themes, disease areas, and methodologies.

Summer 2016 teambuilding involving collaborators from Imperial's other HPRUs and our UKHSA partners


Go team 20 during ther Summer 2016 team building exercise

From left to right: Sabine Bou-Antoun (HCAI AMR at Imperial), Alice Ledda (Imperial College London), Tendai Mugwagwa (Public Health England). Christl Donnelly (Imperial College London) & Richard Amlot (Public Health England)

Go team 15 during the 2016 team building exercise

From left to right: Antonio Puleo (Public Health England), Evgenia Markvardt (Imperial College London), Petra Klepac (Public Health England), Tini Garske (Imperial College London).

Department of Infectious Disease EpidemiologyMRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis

General enquiries

For enquiries related to the NIHR HPRU in Modelling and Health Economics, please contact:

HPRU Manager
Deborah Farmer

+44 (0)207 59 43339