Noise is an under-studied environmental pollutant with potentially important implications for public health and policy. Exposure to environmental noise is ubiquitous and increasing in terms of road traffic noise and the reduction of the night time quiet period. High levels of exposure to road traffic noise have been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular conditions and risk factors including hypertension, but results have not been consistent across population groups.

We model road, rail and aircraft related noise exposure using GIS-based models.

Developing a detailed noise model in a GIS for Greater based on the UK Calculation of Road Traffic Noise (CRTN) method for the period 2003-2010 to study associations between noise levels (LAeq(16), Lden, Lday, Lnight, Levening) and a range of health outcomes related to births, morbidity and mortality.

Expanding the scale of noise modelling to provide noise exposure estimates for cohort across the UK, Netherlands and Norway using harmonised input data on road traffic and land cover.