Planetary Protectors Club

Planetary Protectors Club

Planetary Protectors is an after-school kids club run with our community partner NOVA, asthma awareness events, and school sessions specifically for the W10, W11 and W12 area. Please get in touch with Esther Lie (Community Coordinator) / 07596955261 if you would like to discuss future collaborations or ideas.

With the multi-disciplinary practitioner Mo Langmuir, a series of hands-on sessions with local families and kids clubs were carried out to create an artwork that incorporates local residents' feelings, journeys and creative responses to air pollution. As an educational resource, this map quilt is being used in local schools and community centres to explore air quality with wider audiences. It represents both Imperial College London air pollution data and the indoor-outdoor journeys of local residents over a 24 hour period.

Find out more about the collaborative Indoor Outdoor Continuum project:

The approach is to create a map which merges Imperial College's air pollution data.

Some examples of their work.

WellHome Study

Animation Video

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WellHome Community Ambassadors Win Partner Award in President’s Excellence Awards for Societal Engagement

In a remarkable partnership with local families and community organisations, WellHome has been measuring air quality inside and outside over 100 homes in West London to better understand the causes and impacts of air pollution, particularly on children with asthma.

The WellHome Ambassadors have been instrumental in this initiative. Their contributions have been vital in building relationships, earning trust, and generating practical ideas for the WellHome Study. The Ambassadors come from all walks of life, representing West London's rich diversity.

Their role as trusted community contacts has laid the groundwork for future meaningful and equitable research, aligning with Imperial's strategy for authentic engagement. The full impact of their work is yet to be fully realised, but their foundational efforts are already making a significant difference.

Huge congratulations to all the winners and those working on the study.

Find out more about our Ambassadors.

Our ambassadors from L -R (image below) : Mutthu, Manon, (Dr Diana Varaden, Lecturer in Environmental Social Science and Health, and Lead on WellHome Study), Della, Munira and Nour.