The London Hub for Urban Health, Sustainability and Equity brings together two London-coordinated, Our Planet Our Health Urban health projects – Complex  Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health (CUSSH) and Pathways to Equitable Healthy Cities (PEHC) – to create the world’s foremost transdisciplinary research hub on the health of most of the world’s population.

The Hub will involve the London-based institutions contributing to these projects – Imperial College London, University College London, King’s College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Public Health England – as well as the  global network of collaborating institutions, listed in the original proposals.

The Hub’s research agenda is global, with particular emphasis on urban development in low- and middle-income countries and prominent participation of southern partners.

The Hub will be the platform for methodological and substantive integration of the two projects to maximise efficiency while catalysing  cross-learning and innovation from complementary approaches applied to a broader range of geographies. It will also be the main route of interactions with key stakeholders, including city networks and the public. 

Specifically, through the Hub, we will:

  • Advance transdisciplinary science and policy translation for urban health, sustainability and equity in geographically and socioeconomically diverse cities.
  • Integrate our work in two major global cities, Beijing and London, where we will bridge the foci of our projects – reducing greenhouse gas emissions and health inequality. 
  • Align activities related to modelling and participatory research in all our partner cities. 
  • Establish a Data Portal for sharing data and data analytics.
  • Develop an integrated programme for training the next generation of research and policy leaders.
  • Lay the foundation of an externally-funded Urban Modelling and Data Centre to support evidence-based decision-making and policy implementation.

PI: Professor Frank Kelly

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