A seminar session exploring the evidence between air pollution and incidences of declining cognition and increasing dementia.


The session discussed the potential mechanisms through which air pollution can affect the brain, but also the associated risks for the population based on epidemiological evidence. 


Professor Paul Matthews, Edmond and Lily Safra Chair, Imperial College London and Head of UK Research Dementia Institute at Imperial

Professor Roland Wolf, University of Dundee

Professor Klea Katsouyanni, Lead of the Air Pollution Epidemiology Team at the Environmental Research Group

Panel discussion chaired by Dr Ian Mudway.

Seminar 3: Speaker Recordings

How does air pollution affect the brain? | Dr Ian Mudway

Dr Ian Mudway discusses how air pollution affects the brain

How does air pollution affect the brain? | Dr Ian Mudway

Dr Ian Mudway discusses how air pollution affects the brain

Cognitive function and incidence of dementia seminar

Professor Klea Katsouyanni

Seminar on cognitive function and incidence of dementia by Professor Klea Katsouyanni

How does air pollution contribute to risks of Alzheimer’s

Professor Paul Matthews

How does air pollution contribute to risks of Alzheimer’s Professor Paul Matthews

Environmentally-induced disease and in drug development

Professor Roland Wolf

Environmentally-induced disease and in drug development Professor Roland Wolf

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