Trial team

Chief Investigator: Professor Sejal Saglani
Professor Saglani is the Chief Investigator on the TREAT trial. She developed the idea for the study and oversees the study as a whole. 

Operations Manager: Dr Christina Prechtl
Christina is the Operations Manager and oversees the study from an operational perspective.  

Trial Manager: Claire Streatfield
Claire is the Trial Manager and oversees the day to day running of this trial.

Trial Research Nurse: Yvie Bingham
Yvie is a research nurse based at the Royal Brompton Hospital, she is assisting with the study and also supporting patients recruited at the Royal Brompton throughout their treatment.

Trial Administrator: Amnah Mirza
Amnah is the Clinical Trial Administrator and helps with maintaining the study documentation.

TREAT team

Yvie Bingham

Yvie Bingham

Yvie Bingham
Trial Nurse

Amnah Mirza

Amnah Mirza

Amnah Mirza
Trial Administrator