Heart On Your Hand is an activity inspired by the fact that your heart is about the same size as your fist.

Painted hearts on hands

We collaborated with illustrator, Myrto Williams, who created a step-by-step anatomical heart design that can be easily painted onto the back of a hand using red, blue and brown face paints.

Heart painted on hand

We've run Heart On Your Hand as a workshop activity at the NHLI 'Bring Your Child to Work Day', in which participants were invited to paint each others' hands while chatting to National Heart and Lung Institute researchers about the heart.

Young girl paints hand

People have hearts painted on hands at museum

And we've run Heart On Your Hand as a walkabout activity at events such as the Natural History Museum's Science Uncovered.  Reseachers from the National Heart and Lung Institute invited members of the public to have their hand painted while talking to them about their research.

Check out our Heart On Your Hand gallery here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/101233009@N04/sets/72157635357277933/ 

four people with hearts painted on hands 

Heart On Your Hand has been presented as part of the Medicines for Children Research Network Generation R event at the Science Museum, Science Uncovered at the Natural History Museum 2013 and the NHLI Bring Your Child to Work Day 2013. 

Collaborators: Julia Coffey (NIHR Royal Brompton/Imperial Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit PPI Co-ordinator), Vanessa Garcia Larsen (NHLI Research Associate), Evie Maifoshie NHLI PhD Student), Andia Redpath (NHLI PhD Student), Antonia Solomon (NHLI Research Associate), Anusha Seneviratne (BHF Centre of Research Excellence PhD Student) and Myrto Williams (Illustrator)

Creative Producer: Ellen Dowell


Ellen Dowell
Public Engagement Officer