What attracted you to the MSc in Reproductive and Developmental Biology? 

During my undergraduate studies, I always knew that my path would lead to something in reproductive biology, but I wasn't sure of the specific direction. However, when I came across the MSc Reproductive and Developmental Biology course, everything clicked. The course structure, with its balanced blend of the first six months focused on learning and the next six months dedicated to hands-on laboratory experience, was exactly what I was looking for.

What specific area did you focus on for your project?

I focused on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a common condition affecting many women. I investigated how two key hormones—Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and insulin—interact and influence ovarian steroid production. By understanding this hormonal "cross-talk," my research aimed to provide deeper insights into how these interactions contribute to PCOS.

What aspects of this programme did you find the most beneficial?

The first six months of the programme were incredibly valuable, providing a solid foundation in reproductive biology before I went into my specialized area of study. This overview equipped me with the knowledge I needed to excel in my specific focus. Additionally, the weekly workshops were a highlight—making the learning process engaging and enjoyable.

How do you think the course will impact your future career?

This course has been incredibly valuable in shaping my future career. It has taught me the importance of teamwork, helped me become a more confident speaker, and greatly improved my time management skills. These experiences and skills will be assets as I move forward in my professional journey.

What did you enjoy most about studying at Imperial and in the Faculty of Medicine?

I enjoyed the diverse content across all the modules, particularly the guest lectures from experts in various areas of reproductive biology. These sessions broadened my understanding of the field as a whole. Additionally, the lab work was also a point up for me. Going from having no lab experience to confidently handling a pipette and conducting experiments was incredibly rewarding.

What advice would you give those considering the MSc in Reproductive and Developmental Biology?

I would say, absolutely go for it! As an international student, moving to London and pursuing my master's at Imperial has been the best decision I’ve ever made. The experience has taught me so much about myself and my passions. The course is incredibly rewarding, both personally and academically, with plenty of support from the cohort and faculty along the way.