What did you most enjoy about your course? 

I particularly enjoyed the variety and intensity of the course, learning different topics first-hand from top researchers in the field, in addition to key laboratory and bioinformatic skills. The course leaders were especially helpful and always available to answer any of our questions. I appreciated the large selection of 6-month research projects across different Universities – both wet and dry lab based – which gave everyone the opportunity to pick a project which really interested them. For me, this helped to narrow down the area of genetics I wanted to pursue after my MSc and to gain invaluable experience in the field. Aside from the science, I thoroughly enjoyed studying with a cohort of passionate genetics students and course leaders, each with a unique perspective, which led to some really interesting discussions and group projects.

What did you most appreciate about the Faculty/College? 

I appreciated Imperial College’s response to COVID-19. Despite the restrictions, the University and course leaders did their best to enable face-to-face lectures, workshops and laboratory work. We had fantastic interactive learning experiences both online and in-person. The faculty even facilitated in-person 6-month laboratory-based research projects which was something I chose to do and thoroughly enjoyed.

How did it feel to receive the Dean's Prize?

It was truly an honour (and surprising) to win the Dean’s Prize! This award is truly a reflection of all the support and encouragement I received from the faculty, my research project supervisors and fellow Human Molecular Genetics students. It felt rewarding to see that all my hard work throughout the year was recognised in this way.

What are you doing now/What do you plan on doing after graduation?

I am currently pursuing a PhD at University College London (UCL) in the therapeutic gene editing of CFTR to treat cystic fibrosis, using nanoparticle formulations for the delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 in vitro and in vivo. The course provided me with many important transferable skills for this next stage of my career in research.

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