MRes Clinical Research (21/22)

What did you most enjoy about your course? 

I did enjoy the research project. This module provided me with the opportunity to join this amazing research group. During this time, I found lots of joy and fulfilment in discussing problems with my colleagues and supervisors and investigating the research areas that interested me. This helps me gain deeper insights into the research, and is an essential stepping stone for my future study and work!

What did you most appreciate about the Faculty/College? 

The faculty members were all lovely, and always gave me prompt suggestions and unlimited help. This MRes program was well organised, comprising a perfect balance of lectures and laboratory sessions. Students had a great chance to learn practical knowledge in lectures and develop a comprehensive understanding of clinical trials.

How did it feel to receive the Dean's Prize?

I was extremely honoured to receive this prize. This prize is the best encouragement for me ever! I would like to extend my gratitude to my supervisors for their generous support and guidance.

What are you doing now/ What do you plan on doing after graduation? 

I am applying for a PhD position. I am eager to continue my further study in a related area.

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