Cogs in head

Bioinformatics analysis enables fundamental understanding of biological mechanisms and may suggest pathways to improved treatment of disease."

Prof Timothy Ebbels

Head of Section

Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that combines computational and visualisation methods to model and extract knowledge from complex biological, biochemical and clinical data. Modern data science methods such as (multivariate) statistics, machine learning and artificial intelligence allow modelling, analysis, prediction and visualization of ‘Big Data’ derived from a plethora of experimental approaches.

Our data comes from a variety of techniques from genomics to metabolomics through to imaging and clinical diagnostics. A key activity is developing and adapting novel mathematical and statistical algorithms and software to analyse and integrate these diverse data sets to develop software platforms for use in clinical settings, derive new biological and medical insights and to improve our understanding of the factors underlying health and disease.


Key studies, courses and research groups

Degree Programmes

  • MRes in Biomedical Research: Data Science
  • MSc Health Data Analytics and Machine Learning
  • MSc in Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology 

Short Courses

Prof Tim Ebbels

Section leadership

Head of  Bioinformatics - Professor Timothy Ebbels

Professor Ebbels is a Professor of Biomedical Data Science and his research interests lie at the interface between two broad areas:

  • multivariate data analysis
  • post-genomic technologies

More specifically, on the computational side these include, machine learning, bioinformatics, chemometrics, and multivariate statistics, and on the experimental side, the fields of genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics

Find out more about Prof Timothy Ebbels

Research group leads


Please forward sectional enquiries to Prof Timothy Ebbels 

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 3160