Woman in lab

Systems medicine holds the key to tomorrow’s healthcare. By adopting systems approaches in biomedical research, we can understand the molecular origins of diseases and use them as targets for diagnostics and therapy. "

Professor Marc-Emmanuel Dumas

Head of Division

The Division of Systems Medicine’s world-leading discovery science programme leverages the deep biological and technical expertise of its faculty and staff to positively impact the study of human health and disease. The group houses diverse proficiencies in biochemistry, microbiology, analytical chemistry, structural biology, genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, toxicology, computational data analysis and biostatistics, working in concert towards applications in systems biology with a clear focus on clinical translation and precision medicine. The Division is embedded within the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College London providing critical links to hundreds of experienced clinicians with diverse areas of interest and specialism. Together we are developing innovative diagnostics and therapeutics for healthcare. 

Alongside the strong academic research groups, the Division houses the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC), Imperial BRC Genomics Facility, the BRC supported Imperial Phenome Centre (known internationally as the National Phenome Centre), and key members of the Institute of Translational Medicine & Therapeutics (ITMAT) data science group.

Division info

Division leadership

Head of Systems Medicine - Professor Marc-Emmanuel Dumas

Prof Dumas’ research focuses on metabolomics using primarily 1H NMR spectroscopy and high-resolution mass spectrometry to study metabolite and lipid networks in metabolic and cardiorespiratory diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity or ischemic heart disease. He uses a systems medicine framework combining statistical and experimental causality, as well as pharmacological screens to unravel the underpinning biological mechanisms of metabolic diseases.

Further information on Professor Marc-Emmanuel Dumas


Please forward divisional enquiries to Lynn Maslen:

Email: l.maslen@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 3142