This network is led by students at Imperial College London and supported by staff. Each faculty has a student research network manager representative, who is the main point of student contact for the faculty within the network. All students at Imperial College London are welcome to join the network, so if you are interested please feel free to contact your student network manager representative.
Current Student Research Network Managers
Petya Atanasova - Imperial Business School
My research focuses on the food environment and the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Specifically, I am working on the determinants of children nutritional choices and behavioural interventions for food behaviour change in low- and middle-income countries. My PhD is collaborative between the Faculty of Medicine and the Imperial College Business School.
Clotilde Vie - Faculty of Engineering
I am a 2nd year PhD in Biomedical Engineering. I am working on Super-Resolution Ultrasounds to image the gut microvasculature. We would like to show the evolution in the gut microvasculature in response to food or therapeutics intake.
Cecilia Dunsterville – Faculty of Medicine
I am a first year PhD student in the Faculty of Medicine. My area of interest is the gut with a focus on food absorption, obesity, and gastrointestinal diseases. I am currently working with bioengineers to develop a contrast enhanced imaging technique to study inflammatory bowel disease.
Leah Meyer - Faculty of Natural Sciences
I am a second year PhD student in the Faculty of Medicine, funded by Imperial College. My research focuses on specific gut hormones within the context of the Mediterranean Diet. Specifically, I am looking at their effects on glucose and lipid homeostasis and potential as therapeutics for diabetes and obesity.
Academic support to the network
Dr Aaron M. Lett
Dr Aaron M. Lett
Director of Food Student Research Network
Dr Laura Barter
Dr Laura Barter
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Prof. Franco Sassi
Prof. Franco Sassi
Imperial Business School
Prof. Maria Charalambides
Prof. Maria Charalambides
Faculty of Engineering
Prof. Gary Frost
Prof. Gary Frost
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Elio Riboli
Prof. Elio Riboli
Faculty of Medicine
General enquiries
Dr Aaron M. Lett
Director of Food Student Research Network
Commonwealth Building,
Hammersmith Campus