Close-up photograph of a person writing at a desk with a mug in the background

Get in touch

For general enquiries, please contact us via email at

Who we are

The Department of Infectious Disease has recently formed a Research Committee, who will support the Executive Board with the development and delivery of the Department’s research strategy.

The Research Committee has representatives from each Section:

  • Professor José Penades Chair in Microbiology, Section of Molecular Microbiology (Co-Chair)
  • Professor Chris Chiu - Professor of Infectious Disease, Section of Adult Infectious Disease (Co-Chair)
  • Dr Myrsini Kaforou – Senior Lecturer in Bioinformatics, Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease
  • Professor Xiaodong Zhang - Professor of Macromolecular Structure and Function, Section of Structural and Synthetic Biology
  • Professor Paul Kellam – Professor of Virus Genomics, Section of Immunology of Infection
  • Professor James Seddon - Professor of Child Global Health, Section of Paediatric Infectious Disease
  • Professor Francis Drobniewski - Professor of Global Health and Tuberculosis, Section of Adult Infectious Disease
  • Supported by the department's Research Manager, Celia Domingues, Faculty of Medicine

How we can help

  • Want to discuss grant application strategies?
  • Thinking of applying for a Fellowship?
  • Had some feedback on a grant application that you’d like to discuss?
  • Like some independent feedback on a research proposal?
  • Have a different question for the Research Committee?

If you would like help with any of the following, please contact Celia Domingues ( :

  • Advice on funding schemes
  • Help planning a grant application
  • Help to identify internal resources/support in preparing a grant application
  • Review of non-scientific sections of grant applications (e.g. lay summary, data management plans, impact statements)
  • Obtaining Head of Department (HoD) approval of applications, or letters of support / supporting statements from the HoD
  • Arranging mock interviews for grant applications