Illustration of the novel coronavirus

A new human challenge study for COVID-19


We are looking for healthy volunteers aged 18-30 years old to take part in a new COVID-19 Human Challenge Study.

The study involves a screening visit, a quarantine stay, during which you will be deliberately infected with the COVID-19 virus and carefully monitored until discharge, followed by five follow-up visits over the course of 12 months.

If you are eligible to take part, you will be paid up to £4,500 for time and inconvenience.

If you are interested in finding out more, please read the full study information sheet (COVHIC002_PIS_V5.0_17.10.2023) and register your interest by completing our pre-screening questionnaire.

This study is also taking place in Oxford. Please follow this link to be taken to their webpage and to register your interest to take part at the Oxford study site.

Upcoming Quarantines:

Quarantine Number 

Admission Date 

Challenge Date 

Discharge Date 


Quarantine 1

Wednesday 15th March 2023

Friday 17th March 2023

Friday 31st March 2023


Quarantine 2

Wednesday 19th April 2023 

Friday 21st April 2023

Friday 5th May 2023


Quarantine 3

Wednesday 31st May 2023

Friday 2nd June 2023

Friday 16th June 2023


Quarantine 4

Wednesday 21st June 2023

Friday 23rd June 2023

Friday 7th July 2023


Quarantine 5

Wednesday 12th July 2023

Friday 14th July 2023

Friday 28th July 2023


Quarantine 6

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Friday 4th August 2023

Friday 18th August 2023


Quarantine 7

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Friday 25th August 2023

Friday 8th September 2023


Quarantine 8

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Friday 15th September 2023

Friday 29th September 2023


Quarantine 9 Wednesday 4th October 2023 Friday 6th October 2023 Friday 20th October 2023 Completed
Quarantine 10 Wednesday 18th October 2023 Friday 20th October 2023 Friday 3rd November 2023 Completed
Quarantine 11 Wednesday 8th November 2023 Friday 10th November 2023 Friday 24th November 2023 Completed
Quarantine 12 Monday 4th December 2023 Wednesday 6th December 2023 Wednesday 20th December 2023 Cancelled
Quarantine 13 Wednesday 10th January 2024 Friday 12th January 2024  Friday 26th January 2024 Cancelled
Quarantine 14 Wednesday 31st January 2024 Friday 2nd February 2024  Friday 16th February 2024 Completed
Quarantine 15 Wednesday 21st February 2024  Friday 23rd February 2024  Friday 8th March 2024  Completed
Quarantine 16 Monday 11th March 2024 Wednesday 13th March 2024 Wednesday 27th March 2024 Completed
Quarantine 17 Wednesday 10th April 2024 Friday 12th April 2024 Friday 26th April 2024 Completed
Quarantine 18 Wednesday 8th May 2024 Friday 10th May 2024 Friday 24th May 2024 Completed
Quarantine 19 Wednesday 5th June 2024 Friday 7th June 2024 Friday 21st June 2024 FULL

Please note: if you remain uninfected, you will have the option to leave the quarantine unit at Day 10, instead of Day 14 post-challenge (4 days earlier than the discharge dates in the table above). You can decide to stay in the quarantine unit until Day 14, otherwise, you will be required to return to the Imperial Clinical Research Facility for Day 11, Day 12, Day 13 and Day 14. 

A video explaining the COVHIC002 COVID-19 Human Challenge Study.

COVHIC002 Study Information Video

If you are interested in taking part in this study, you can watch a short video explaining the purpose of the study and what to expect if you take part. Please also read the full Participant Information Sheet before expressing an interest in taking part.

Contact us

To get in touch with a member of the study team, please email