Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 3D illustration which shows two types of viral surface spikes

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Human Challenge Study

Open For Recruitment

We are looking for healthy volunteers aged 65 - 75 years old to take part in an RSV Challenge Study.

The study involves a screening visit, a residential stay during which you will be deliberately infected with RSV and carefully monitored until discharge, followed by 3 follow-up visits over the course of 6 months. 

If you are eligible to take part, you will be paid up to £2,200-2,500 for time and inconvenience.

Read the full information sheet here: CHIRP01_PIS_V2.0_08MAY2024

Imperial College London, in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, and funded by MSD (also known as Merck) is going to conduct a human infection study (also known as a controlled human infection challenge study) with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV).


Upcoming Quarantines

Quarantine Number

Admission Date

Challenge Date

Discharge Date


Quarantine 1

Monday 24th June 2024

Tuesday 25th June 2024

Friday 5th July 2024


Quarantine 2

Monday 8th July 2024

Tuesday 9th July 2024

Friday 19th July 2024


Quarantine 3

Monday 22nd July 2024

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Friday 2nd August 2024


Quarantine 4

Monday 5th August 2024

Tuesday 6th August 2024

Friday 16th August 2024


Quarantine 5

Monday 2nd September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Friday 13th September 2024

Planned quarantine with spaces available (please note that dates may be subject to change)

Quarantine 6

Monday 16th September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024

Friday 27th September 2024

Planned quarantine with spaces available (please note that dates may be subject to change)

Please note: if you remain uninfected, you will be able to leave the quarantine unit at Day 8, instead of Day 10 post-challenge (2 days earlier than the discharge dates in the table above). 

Contact us

To get in touch with the study team, please email: or phone: 07872 850212

Join our Research Registry!

Professor Chris Chiu, who works in the Department of Infectious Diseases at Imperial College London, has over 10 years of experience running vaccine and challenge studies for respiratory diseases such as Flu, RSV and COVID-19, in adults aged between 18-75years.

If this study isn’t for you, but you’d like to join our registry to be contacted about other studies we may be running, then please email us: