Investigating the molecular and cellular basis of haemostasis and thrombosis.

Research groups in this theme are interested in the molecular and cellular basis of haemostasis and thrombosis. Their research focuses on both primary haemostasis (platelet recruitment/activation) and secondary haemostasis (coagulation cascade/anticoagulant pathways).

Primary haemostasis research

We explore the regulation of VWF by the plasma protease ADAMTS13, the mechanisms associated with platelet recruitment and ‘platelet priming’ following binding to VWF, and the crosstalk between ‘primed’ platelets and leukocytes and the role of this in development of thrombosis. Together these avenues aim to identify structural, biochemical and cellular mechanisms that might be rationally targeted to reduce the incidence of thrombosis in at-risk individuals.

Secondary haemostasis research

Our research in this area primarily focusses on the natural anticoagulant TFPI and protein C pathways. These research themes focus primarily on the cofactors (i.e. protein S, FV/FVshort and phospholipid surfaces) that augment both of these pathways. Ultimately these research avenues aim to identify individuals at increased risk of thrombosis and to potentially exploit these mechanisms to diminish the incidence of thrombosis.

Group leaders: Dr Josefin Ahnström, Professor Jim Crawley, Dr Tom McKinnon, Dr Deepa Jayakody Arachchillage

General enquiries

Centre Administrator

Mandy Smith

+44 (0)20 3313 4017