Red blood cells

Investigating the molecular and clinical phenotypes of benign and malignant haematological disease

Research in the Centre for Haematology covers broadly the following themes:

The overall aim of our research programmes is to understand mechanisms of haematological disease and to develop therapeutics in areas of need. The scientific approach is underpinned by a variety of biological concepts that are addressed by employing cutting edge experimental methodology.

The Centre provides research training to early career scientists and clinical haematologists in training and runs post-graduate as well as under-graduate education, and training courses.

It closely collaborates with the Departments of Haematology and the Specialist Integrated Haematological Malignancy Diagnostic Service, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust, Northwick Park Hospital, Northwest London NHS Trust that collectively provide advanced clinical diagnostics and secondary and tertiary care in all aspects of Haematology in Northwest London.

The Centre’s Clinical Academics as well as providing patient clinical care and conducting lab-based research, they also participate in the development of the clinical research programme in Clinical Haematology. Conversely, a number of Clinical Haematologists, through honorary appointments, support the research and teaching activities of the Centre.

Finally, the Centre for Haematology provides the platform for translational research in Haematology supported by the Imperial NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and has forged links with biotech and pharmaceutical companies aiming to perform translational research around novel therapeutics.

The haematology-focussed community at Imperial College spans across departments and faculties, and the Centre for Haematology has strong links with researchers from the Life Sciences, Chemical Biology, Mathematics and Bioengineering.

General enquiries

Centre Administrator

Mandy Smith

+44 (0)20 3313 4017